According to Dr. Pal, medical director and founder of Minnesota Vein Center, the short answer is yes. Vein treatments are very effective. However, that does not mean that the person who has one vein issue treated will not have other problematic veins. What does this mean? Patients who have undergone endovenous thermal ablation ( EVRF or EVLA) considered modern procedures for vein incompetence and varicose veins never require treatment of that vein again. Success rates quoted in recent literature vary from the high 85th percentile to the 99th percentile. In other words, usually less than 12 percent of patients will require re-treatment of an ablated vein. Though a treated vein is effectively treated, the veins of the body share a genetic makeup. These veins may also have been exposed to the same environmental stresses and therefore may have the same risk of becoming problem veins. So, if a patient has one ‘bad’ vein, it is possible that at some point related (saphenous) leg veins will develop a problem. This is most often related to vein valves and eventually may require ablation treatments. For this reason, Dr. Pal evaluates each patient at all visits, providing counseling on maintaining healthy veins and also tips to detect early problem veins. Small lifestyle changes may make a difference in managing chronic venous issues and help delay additional vein problems