Fact:  The ten most popular New Year’s Resolution for 2014 include:  lose weight, improve your finances, exercise or, get a better job, eat healthy, manage your stress more effectively, quit smoking, improve a relationship, stop procrastinating, and set aside more time for yourself. 

Fact:  Only about 8 percent of us actually keep our New Year’s Resolutions,  and a high percentage abandon them by the end of January. Make One Resolution You Can Actually Keep.  If your legs are bulging, aching, swelling or feel  “heavy” – and if you’ve been bothered by varicose veins for years – why not make getting rid of them one of your New Year’s Resolution for 2014? 

Fact:  Varicose Veins – and vein disease – are a medical condition, not just a cosmetic issue. Vein disease will get worse over time. 

Fact:  Vein disease affects over 30% of Americans (70% of females and 30% of males). 

Fact:  You can make an appointment with Dr. Pal at Minnesota Vein Center for a full comprehensive screening at our North Oaks Office for January and February now.  The New Year is here, so call to start the process of resolution and ask to have Dr. Pal evaluate your legs for vein disease.  Most evaluations and future procedures are covered by insurance.