Just as families often have in common a certain body type, varicose veins are also a trait that runs in the family tree. As venous disease does have a strong genetic component, it is important to be aware of venous disease and its symptoms. As with any illness, it’s important to know your family history. If a family member such as sibling, parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle – have experienced varicose veins or visible veins on their legs, your risk of the disease becomes quite high. Someone with a first-degree family member with vein issues will find the risk is significantly higher. Times have changed. You may have watched your mother or grandmother suffer from painful and unsightly veins. This does not mean you are destined to the same fate. Even if you are not presently experiencing symptoms, an evaluation with a vein specialist can tell you the condition of your venous system. They can also provide suggestions for interventions and prevention. Modern vein treatments, such as endovenous (in the vein) thermal ablation (using radiofrequency or laser) and sclerotherapy are minimally invasive and extremely effective with minimal ‘down time’.